American Hardwood Export Council: Communion
14.09.2024 →
British-Ghanaian designer Giles Tettey Nartey explores culture, culinary tradition, and the rituals of domestic life in Ghana with Communion, a food prep table of an epic scale expertly crafted in American maple by Jan Hendzel Studio. Communion is designed for the making of fufu–a West African staple food, which is made by pounding cassava into a dough. Nartey’s table reimagines this practice as a communal performance, in which everyone comes together in the shared act of making food.
Opening Hours for LDF
Sat 10-5.45
Sun 10-5.45
Mon 10-5.45
Tues 10-5.45
Wed 10-5.45
Thu 10-5.45
Fri 10-9
Sat 10-5.45
Sun 10-5.45
Opening Hours for LDF
Sat 10-5.45
Sun 10-5.45
Mon 10-5.45
Tues 10-5.45
Wed 10-5.45
Thu 10-5.45
Fri 10-9
Sat 10-5.45
Sun 10-5.45